Introduction for rising stars:
Rising stars are born with a special abilities,where we can see mysterious light appering in the sky.The stars which shine highly in the sky,those are the rising stars. I like to share this Calculate the Wavelength of Light with you all through my article.
Stars are celestial bodies that continuously emit light and heat. Thus ,the sun is also a star. It appears large as compared to other stars because they are very far away from us, through many of them are much larger than the sun. Some of you may think that the stars appear in the sky only at night. It is not so. The stars are not visible during the day becaouse of the glare og bright sunlight.
Distance of Rising Stars in Light Years
Most of the stars are so far away that even light from them takes millions of years to reach the earth. The distance of the stars are ,therefore,expressed in terms of light light year is the distance travelled by light in the one year at the speed of light which is about 300 000 kilometers per second. Light year is a unit of distance and is equal to 3 00 000 x 365 x 24 x 60 x 60 km,which is equal to 9 460 000 000 000 km or 9.46 x 1012 kilometers. The approximate distance of the sun from the earth is 150 000 000 km,which means that light takes about 8 Minutes 20 sec to reach the earth from the sun. The stars nearest to the earth after the sun is Alpha centauri, which is at a distance of about 4.3 light year. Please express your views of this topic Physics Formula by commenting on blog.
All stars including the sun move around some celestial body or a group of bodies with high speeds. How ever, when viewed from the earth the distance between any two stars does not seem to change in spite of their great speeds. This is so, because the stars are so far away from us that any changes in distance between them do not become perceptible in a few years or even during one's lifetime.
Many a time, a group of stars,as seen from earth ,appears to form some kind of a pattern. Our ancestors imagined some known shapes formed by many groups of stars and gave them specific names.such a group of stars is known as a constellation.We can easily identify some constellations even with naked eyes.However, you should know how a particular constellation looks like and where to look for it in the night sky. Some easily identifiable constellations are uras major or vrihat saptarshi,ursa minor or laugh saptarshi and orion or mriga.
The most prominent group of stars that form a part of the constellation uras major or vrihat saptarshi is know as Big Dipper. The Big Dipper is a group of many stars of which seven are comparatively brighter and are easily visible. It appears like a big ladle or a question mark. The two stars at the top of the ladle is called pointers as the line joining them points to the direction of the pole star.How ever,it constellation uras major ,which is also know as Great Bear.
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