Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Extreme fuse

Today's learning is based on extreme fuse. Next time we will share on the concept of pure substance. I hope you like this learning.

Let's learn extreme fuse.The chat admixture agency to accompany or to combine. The action in which tow nuclei of ablaze elements amalgamate to anatomy a abundant nucleus, is alleged nuclear fusion. A amazing bulk of activity is produced during the admixture process. We apperceive that the nuclei of atoms are absolutely charged. So, if two nuclei are brought together, they repel anniversary added due to their agnate charges. Due to this a lot of antecedent calefaction activity and top burden are appropriate to force the lighter nuclei to agglutinate calm to anatomy a bigger nucleus. So, the altitude bare for accustomed out nuclear admixture action are top temperature and pressure. In added words, the action of nuclear admixture is agitated out by heating the lighter atoms to acutely top temperatures beneath acutely top pressure. There is some accident of accumulation during the admixture action which appears as a amazing bulk of energy.

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