Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pure substance

Today's learning is based on pure substance. Next time we will discuss on muriatic acid. And i am sure you will like this learning.

The appropriate appearance of pure substance are:
* A authentic actuality is composed of the aforementioned affectionate of particles e.g. hydrogen, oxygen, water, sodium chloride, etc.
* A authentic actuality is homogeneous, irrespective of its agent or adjustment of preparation.
* A authentic actuality has audible properties, appropriate of itself.
* A authentic actuality has the aforementioned agreement throughout. For example, altered samples of water, able by altered methods, by altered humans at altered places consistently abide of hydrogen and oxygen in the arrangement 1:8 by accumulation and 2:1 by volume. If any sample has a altered arrangement of these elements, again it absolutely is not water.

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