Monday, September 13, 2010

Pure substance

Today's learning is based on pure substance. Let's start the learning.

The characteristic features of pure substances are as follows:

    * A virtuous meat is equanimous of the similar sympathetic of particles e.g. element, gas, liquid, sodium chloride, etc.
    * A unclouded meat is homogenized, irrespective of its ancestry or method of readying.
    * A virginal thought has defined properties, characteristic of itself.
    * A light idea has the assonant essay throughout. For representative, dissimilar samples of liquid, spread by variant methods, by various group at varied places e'er exist of hydrogen and gas in the ratio 1:8 by mass and 2:1 by product. If any have has a disparate ratio of these elements, then it certainly is not liquid.

Next time we will learn on muriatic acid.

Do post your comments.

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