Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Magnetic Induction

Magnetic Induction

Magnetic (M) induction is the process that uses magnetic field to produce temporary or permanent magnetism in any substance.

I like to share this Electric Dipole Moment with you all through my article.

Magnetism Definition

If an object can attract other object, it is said to be magnetic. This property is known as magnetism (MG). Here both objects should be magnetic. All the magnetic substances have some characteristic features that differentiate them from the other non-magnetic substance.

Let’s discuss some of the magnetic properties of these substances. Each magnet has two poles namely north and south poles. Area around a magnet, in which its magnetism is applied, is known as magnetic field.

Magnetic Energy Generator

M energy generators (MEG) are devices that generate magnetic energy. These are environmental friendly, cost effective and low maintenance machines that produce M energy continuously. On the contrary to other natural energy devices such as solar system and wind mills, these ME generators produce energy continuously irrespective of changes in weather.

Being renewable energy source, ME generators do not aid to global warming and other kinds of pollutions. This energy is inflammable and hence is safe and user friendly.  MEGs are best alternative to non-renewable energy sources that are exhausting at a fast rate due to increasing demand for power supply.

MEG includes a large magnet as a source of energy. For the purpose, a belt is connected to the electric dynamo core. The electric dynamo is made to spin by turning force and hence the electricity is produced.

Magnetic Flux Density

Each magnet emits M lines from its north pole. These M lines together represent the magnetic flux of the magnet. Magnetic flux density is the magnitude of M flux (MF) per unit area. MF density is measured for the unit area present perpendicular to flux direction.

MF is denoted by Greek symbol “phi” (Φ). MFD is expressed by using following formula:
B= Φ/A
B= Magnetic Flux Density
Φ= Magnetic flux
If the MF is measured in Webers (Wb) and area is measured in meter squares (m2), then the unit of MFD will be tesla (T)

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Magnetic Induction Unit

Magnetic induction includes production of temporary or permanent magnet using magnetic field. It relies in strength of used magnetic field. As we know that conductor allows flow of electricity through them. When an electric current is passing through a conductor, a magnetic field is also produced around it.

Now change in magnitude or frequency of current will cause altered electromagnetic field around the conductor. This electromagnetic field can produce voltage in other conductor that comes in its range.
The process is magnetic induction and the device (transformers) is known as MIU.

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