Friday, May 31, 2013

Dipole Movement

Introduction to Dipole Movement:

A dipole is nothing but a kind of pole which is made due to the interaction between two charges out of which one is negative and other is positive. The dipole is always formed between two opposite charges rather than two same charges. But practically the free charge is not exists thus dipole is formed between two opposite charged particles.Having problem with Fluid Mechanics Equations keep reading my upcoming posts, i will try to help you.

What actually Dipole Movement is:

Generally no exact definition of the dipole movement exists but any change occurs in the properties of any magnetic material then it is  due to the  dipole movement, thus a dipole movement is nothing but the alignment or realignment of the magnetic dipoles.

In the diamagnetic materials the dipoles are randomly oriented and they collide due to their internal motion and the effect of the one is cancelled by the other. Thus the diamagnetic material has net zero dipole moment.

In the paramagnetic materials the individual atoms has some magnetic moment and when they are placed in the magnetic field then all these dipoles are aligned in the direction of the field which shows the dipole movement in the paramagnetic materials when they placed in the external magnetic field. The dipole movement is possible only in those materials which possess some net dipole moment otherwise the dipole movement is not possible as the case of diamagnetic materials.

In the ferromagnetic materials we do not need any external magnetic field for the movement of the dipoles because they are move either the magnetic field is present or not and due to these motions of dipoles the ferromagnetic materials formed the domains and each domain possess some net dipole moment hence the ferromagnetic material are having a good value of net dipole moment.

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Conclusion for Dipole Movement:

The movement of dipole starts when there are some properties of a material is change by any mean i.e. either by applying an electric or magnetic field or by some other factor. The dipoles are exists in both electric as well as magnetic materials but the electric material does not shows the movement of dipole but the same is observed in the magnetic materials.

Linear Motion Slides


Linear motion is a motion along a straight line. It be able to be homogeneous, that is to say, through stable velocity or else non-homogeneous, specifically, through a changeable velocity. Circular motion is a motion when a body moves in a circular path with speed.

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Linear Motion

Motion of an atom alongside the line be able to be illustrate through its location x, which can be differ through time.
An instance of linear activity is to of a sphere frightened directly awake also lessening reverse directly down.
Standard velocity v through a fixed time extent of an atom go through linear motion be equivalent toward,
`(Delta d)/(Delta t)` = `v`

Immediate velocity of an atom within linear activity might be establish through differentiating the location x through value toward the instant variable t.
Speeding up might be established through discriminate the velocity.
Through essential thermo of calculus the contrary be and true: on the way to get the velocity while known the speeding up, just integrate i the acceleration through respect toward instant; on the way to get dislocation, just integrate the speed through esteem toward instance.

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It is a rotation alongside a circle: a circular path. It is able to be homogeneous, that is to say, through stable angular speed of rotation and it is able to be non-homogeneous explicitly, through a varying speed of rotation.
Rotations about an unchanging axis of a 3-dimensional body involve circular activity of its fraction.
We are able to speak regarding circular activity of an entity if we disregard its extent, thus to we contain the activity of an end mass during a plane.
For instance, the middle of mass of a body be able to go through circular activity.
Circular motion is a speed up yet if the pointed rate of revolution be stable, since and the substance velocity vector be continuously altering path.
Such modify within direction of speed involve acceleration of the transmit entity through a centripetal energy, which draw the affecting entity towards the middle of the spherical orbit.

Measuring Volume of Liquid

Volume of a liquid:
Solids have defined shapes either regular or irregular. If the shape of a solid is regular, then its volume is calculated by geometrical means and if not, it can be figured out indirectly. In any case, the volume is defined in fixed directions.

However, liquids have no definite shape. They occupy the available space of a container. They spread over the entire the area of section and stands up to a height.  Hence the volume of a liquid is the volume of its container up to the height of the liquid level. For this reason, the volume of hollow shapes are called as ‘capacity’ of the shape.Please express your views of this topic liquid state by commenting on blog.

This concept is mainly used in measuring volume of liquid.

Containers used for measuring liquid volume

A graduated beaker can be used to know the volume of an available liquid. As mentioned earlier, the liquid volume is directly proportional to the height of its container of uniform cross section. Therefore, in a graduated beaker, the readings are calibrated to directly give the value of the volume.

To pick up a specified volume of a liquid accurately (for example, in laboratory tests), burettes are used. A burette is a graduated tube with a cock at the bottom. The liquid is filled in the tube and the volume to the desired reading is adjusted by using the cock.

Liquids in larger quantities are measured by calculating the volume of the container up to the liquid level using geometry.

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Measuring volume of liquid from density:

Density of an item is its mass per unit volume. Also density of an item is a constant factor. Therefore in cases where the liquids are specified by their weights the volume of a liquid can be figured out by knowing its density.

The same principle can be used in measuring liquid volume stored in odd shaped containers.

Satellite Tracking System

Introduction to satellite tracking system:

The tracking,telemetry and command sub system is responsible for all satellite communications,on the satellite and on the ground.The satellite transceiver will be a modified commercial-off-the-shelf system,chosen for the short development time that is required.The ground station will also utilize this system to meet the strict launch schedule.Tracking of the satellite is accomplished having the satellite transmit beacon signals which are received at the telemetry  tracking and control (TT&C)earth stations.Tracking is obviously important during the transfer and drift of a geostationary, which will tend to be shifted as a result of the various disturbing forces.Having problem with Three Laws of Thermodynamics keep reading my upcoming posts, i will try to help you.

Subsystems of satellite:

1.Attitude and Orbital control system:

This system consists of rocket motors that are used to move the satellite back to the correct orbit when the drift occurs due to external forces.

2.Telemetry Tracking and Command system:

Telemetry Tracking and Command system performs several routine functions aboard the spacecraft such as monitoring the communication process.collecting the data from various sensors fixed in the satellite etc.

3. Power generation and distribution system:

This system provides the power for the electronic components present in the satellite,which is generated by high efficiency gallium arsenide solar cells and stored in lithium ion batteries.

4.Communication system:

This system handles all transmit and receive communication functions.If it is a communication satellite this will be a heavy portion of the satellites construction.

5. The  satellite antennas:

Antennas used to concentrate the radiated energy in desired direction while transmitting and on receiving side to convey the captured electromagnetic energy to the receiver.

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Tracking of satellite:

Velocity and acceleration sensors on the satellite can be used to track the change in the orbit from the last known orbit position,by integration of the data.The earth station controlling the satellite can observe Doppler shift of the telemetry carrier to determine the rate at which the range is changing.Together with accurate angular measurements from the earth station antenna range is used to determine the orbital elements.In tracking, ranging tones are also used for range measurement. Active determination or tracking of range of a satellite can be achieved by transmitting a pulse  or series of pulses to the satellite and observing the time delay before the pulse is received again.

Photocell Light Control

Introduction to photocell light control:

The some amount of energy is released in many chemical reactions. Such reactions, under proper control can be used as a source of electricity. So we can say that the cell is a device which can convert one type of energy into the electrical energy. Here we discuss the photocell light control and the photocell also.

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Photocell light control:

A photocell is a device which directly convert the light energy into electric energy. There are many types of the photoelectric cells differencing in construction but all are based on the photoelectric effect. There are three main types of the photoelectric cell are : photo emissive cell, photovoltaic cell and photo conductive cell.

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Advantages of photocell light control:

The main advantages of the photocell light control are as follows:

(i) The main application amongst all is the sound reproduction in photo telegraphy, movies and in television.

(ii) These help in determining the opacity of solid as well as liquids.

(iii) Photocells are used to measure temperature of celestial bodies.

(iv) These help in controlling  temperature of furnaces and the same in the chemical reactions.

(v) Photocells are used in the automatic doors, which are used in the auditoriums, malls, seminar halls etc.

(vi) The photocells are used to count the number of items manufactured by the particular machine in the industries.

(vii) The photocells are used in the automatic switches in the street lights and in the traffic signals. Bulbs are connected with a switch in a relay arrangement so they can be put on and off  simultaneously. The photoelectric cells control the relay.

(viii) The photocells are used in the thief detector bells.

(ix) The photocells are used to give the energy  to space crafts. The photocells are exposed to sunlight and this electric energy is then used to charge space crafts' batteries.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Polarization of Light Waves

Introduction to polarization of light waves:

Light is an electromagnetic wave in which electric and magnetic field vectors vary sinusoidally, perpendicular to each other as well as perpendicular to the direction of propagation of wave of light. In common light sources e.g. sun or a bulb, atoms are the elementary radiators of light. As these atoms act independently, light propagated from such sources in a given direction consists of many independent waves whose plane of vibration are randomly oriented about the direction of propagation. Such light waves are said to be unpolarized or polarized randomly.

In principle, each electric field can be can be resolved into y and z components. We can then fond the net electric field along the y-axis and along the z-axis separately. Thus, unpolarized light can be thought of as the superposition of two polarized waves whose plane of vibration are perpendicu;ar to each other. When unpolarized light is passed through a tourmaline crystal cut with its face parallel to its crystallographic axis AB, only those vibrations of light pass through the crystal, which are parallel to AB. All other vibrations are absorbed. That is why intensity of light emerging from the crystal is reduced. The emergent light from the crystal is called plane polarized light. This phenomenon of restricting the vibrations of light in a particular direction, perpendicular to the direction of wave motion is called polarization of light. The tourmaline crystal acts as a polarizer.

Detection of polarized light:

a) A naked eye cannot distinguish between polarized and unpolarized light. A crystal can be used for making this distinction. A calcite crystal, quartz crystal, nicol prism can be used as polarizer as well as analyser of polarized light.

b)When unpolarized light is seen through a single crystal, intensity of transmitted light decreases, on account of polarization. On rotating the crystal, intensity of polarized light does not change.

c)  However, when light transmitted from Polaroid P1is seen through another polaroid P2 and P2 is rotated, the transmitted fraction of light from P2 falls maximum to zero as the angle between P1 and P2 varies from 00 to 900 respectively. Here, P1 is called polarizer and P2is called analyser.

Identification of given light:

For this we pass the given light through Polaroid, rotate the Polaroid about the incident light and examine the emergent light.

i. If there is no change in the intensity of emergent light, incident light is unpolarized.

ii. If there is a change in the intensity of emergent light with minimum not equal to zero, the incident light is partially polarized.

iii. If the intensity of emergent light changes with minimum equal to zero, the incident light is plane polarized.

How To Measure Magnetic Force

Introduction to the measurement of Magnetic Force:

Magnetic force is the force which is exists around the magnets in an area where the magnetic field exists. The magnetic force is a strong force which arises due to the magnetic fields of the two magnets and this force prevents two magnets to come across from the same pole. The magnetic force can be attractive or repulsive depending upon the poles location. There are two poles of a magnet North pole and the South pole. When two opposite poles come closer then the magnetic force is attractive as in the case of the two opposite charges the electric force is attractive. But when two same poles are closer then the magnetic force is repulsive. The magnetic force around a magnet arises due to the magnetic lines of force which originates outwards from a north pole and terminates inward in a south pole. I like to share this Electric and Magnetic Fields with you all through my article.

Measurement of Magnetic Force

The magnetic force of a bar magnet is measured or detected by the apparatus shown in fig.2. In this apparatus if a floating magnet is released near the North pole of the bar magnet attached to the apparatus then the magnet floats between the north and the south pole of the bar magnet and the motion of the floating magnet is a curved motion along the lines of force of the bar magnet.

If we want to find the magnetic force of a charged particle then it is governed by the equation

F = q (v x B)

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Conclusion on the measurement of magnetic force

In the above equation q is the charge on the particle and v is the velocity of the particle and it is shown in bold because it is a vector quantity and B is the magnetic field. If the

velocity of the charged particle is zero i.e. the charged particle is at rest then the magnetic force exerts by the charged particle is also zero. The magnetic force exerts by a charged particle is also zero in case when the charged particle is moving parallel or anti parallel to the magnetic field and the magnetic force is maximum when the charged particle is moving perpendicular to the field.

Conductors and Circuits

Introduction to Conductors and circuits:

Conductors are the materials or most specifically those solids which conduct the electricity through them by introducing a zero or negligible resistance which is the obstruction for the flow of the electricity. Metals are good conductors of electricity and generally known as the conductors. A circuit is a closed path through which an electric current flows. Let us discuss more on conductors and circuits.Please express your views of this topic Types of Force by commenting on blog.

Three types of bands found in Conductors

Every solid contains three bands that are

Valence Energy Band

Conduction Energy Band

Forbidden Energy Band

In conductors the valence and the conduction bands are partly overlap to each other and hence there is no forbidden energy band in between them. Thus conductors are considered to possess single energy band ,which is partly filled and partly empty. Due to this overlapping, many electrons below the Fermi level are excited to the higher energy levels above the Fermi level  in the conduction band by acquiring a little more energy from any source and these electrons are considered as the free electrons. Even if a small electric field is applied to the conductors, these free electrons start moving in a direction opposite to the direction of the applied electric field. Due to this a current  starts to flow in the conductor thus the name proves.

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Different arrangements between Conductors and circuits

The capacitors are also a kind of conductor which is used in the electrical circuits for the safe transfer of the voltage and energy from one point to the other point. The capacitor allows us to store the charge and hence the energy storage is possible in conductors and this stored energy is used as per the requirements. The capacitor has two types of arrangements:

1.Series arrangement: the series arrangement is shown in fig.1 and it has an equivalent capacitance as

1/ Ceq = 1 / C1 + 1 / C2

2.Parallel arrangement: The parallel arrangement of the capacitors is shown in fig.2 and it has an equivalent capacitance as

Ceq = C1 + C2

Transmitter and Receiver Module

Introduction to transmitter and receiver module

The term communication means the transmission of information from a source, located at one place to a receiver located at another place. The set up used for this purpose is called the communication system. A communication system consists of the transmitter and a receiver. Here we discuss the transmitter and receiving module.Understanding Si Unit of Force is always challenging for me but thanks to all science help websites to help me out.

Transmitter and receiver module

When the distance between the sound source and the receiver is very large, say of the order of several thousands of the kilometers, the electrical signal cannot be directly transmitted through wires or cables. For this situation, the simplest possible communication system is shown below.

The sound signal is converted into electrical signal and it is fed in the amplifier. The amplified electrical signal is radiated in space through a transmitting antenna. This arrangement constitutes the transmitter. Another antenna at the receiving end intercepts the electromagnetic signal travelling in free space with the speed of light. It is the fed to an amplifier and finally to a loudspeaker which converts it into the original sound signal. This arrangement constitutes a receiver.

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Conclusion for the transmitter and receiver module

There are some limitations of this type of the transmitting and the receiving module. The audio frequency (20 Hz to 20 kHz) signals have small power and so they cannot be effectively radiated through a very long distance in the free space. When the different transmitters send signals of different frequencies simultaneously, confusion is created at the receiving due to the interference in the medium. The modulator mixes up the audio signal with the carrier waves and feeds the modulated waves to the transmitting antenna through an amplifier. The antenna radiates the modulated waves into the free space. The receiving antenna intercepts the modulated waves and feeds them in a tunable amplifier, which selects the desired radio frequency waves and passes them to the demodulator. The demodulator separates out the audio signals from the selected modulated waves. Finally, the loudspeaker converts the demodulated audio signal back into the original sound waves.

Photoelectric Effect Uses

Introduction photoelectric effect:

Max Planck’s quantum theory: This theory is for black body radiation. This theory says that the atoms present in the black body can absorb or emit the radiation.

Photoelectric Effect:In 1887, photoelectric effect was invented by the scientist H.Hertz. When we passing a light into a material, the material should emit an electrons . This effect is called as photoelectric effect. Some of the rays produced in photoelectric effect are x-rays, ultraviolet rays and ?-rays.

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Facts of photoelectric effect:

Facts of photoelectric effect:

The photoelectric effect is an instantaneous effect.
The photoelectric effect has a threshold frequency in which it is different materials has different threshold frequency.
During the radiation the number of electrons released by the effect is proportional to the intensity of the radiation.
When radiations of different frequencies are used, the velocity of photoelectron increases with the increase in frequency.

Einsteins’s explanation for photoelectron effect:

Einsteins’s explanation for photoelectric effect:

Einstein’s says that every photon or a quantum of light has an energy value hv. Electrons are located inside the surface of the metal. There may be some amount of work W should be required for an electron to come out of the metal.

If the transferred energy is high comparing the internal attractions then the electrons gets liberated.In this the one photon can release a one electron.

Einsteins’s formula for photoelectric effect:

Kinetic energy required for releasing an electron is `1/2` mv^2 = hv-W


M-mass of electron

V-velocity of liberated electron

W-constant based on the metal

The Einsteins’s equation is suitable for hv < W.

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Applications of photoelectric effect:

Applications of photoelectric effect:

The application of the effect of photoelectric is used in the photoelectric cell which converts a light energy into electrical energy.
In cinematography photoelectric effect has a application of reproducing the sound.
Photoelectric effect also has an application in street lights for automatic switch on and off.
Traffic signals are using this effect for automatic controls.
Photoelectric effect has a application for count the machines.
Working of burglar alarm uses this photoelectric effect.
Television transmission is one of the applications of this photoelectric effect.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Remote Sensing Systems

Introduction to remote sensing systems:

Remote sensing is a kind of phenomenon by which we can get information  without any physical contact to the body.This is a great technology which is used for gathering of information.These are used by the satellites to find the information of the different bodies in the universe without any physical contact to that body.Remote sensing systems uses high resolution cameras and many high technology systems to collect the information.This technology is also used in the medical science for the treatment of some critical problems.

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Remote sensing is of two types



In the active remote sensing the device emits radiation in  order to scan the objects and areas to get the proper information.The sensors present in the remote sensing system obtains the amount of reflected radiation from the object and based on that ,the information about the object is determined.RADAR is the good example of active remote sensing system

On the other hand the passive remote sensing systems detects the radiation emitted by the different objects and base on that information is collected.Photography ,radiometers ,infrared are the examples of the passive remote sensing systems.

Working of remote sensing systems

To run the remote sensing application some soft wares are made which are run on the computer .these soft wares are used to control the task of remote sensors.The quality of remote sensing data contains some points

1)Radiometric resolution: This is related to the intensity if the radiation

2)Spatial resolution: This is related to the image quality

3)Spectral resolution: This is related to the wavelength or frequency bands.

4)Temporal resolution: This is related to the infrastructure .it means that it checks the presence of different locations like plane or mountains.

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Application of remote sensing systems

It is used in the medical science for the treatment of several diseases by using some devices.These are

1)MRI(magnetic resonance imaging): This is used to get the information from those parts of the  body of the patients where it is not possible to reach like inside the brain ,neurological system etc.

2)X-ray : This technique is also a kind of remote sensing

3)Positron Emission Tomography:

Remote sensing is used in the detection of concentration of chemicals

Radar is also a kind of Remote sensing device.

LIDAR (Light detection and ranging) is also an important remote sensing technology which is used to detect the range of weapons.

Vibration Analysis

Introduction to Vibration:

Vibration refers to mechanical oscillations about an equilibrium point. The oscillations may be periodic such as the motion of a pendulum or random such as the movement of a tire on a gravel road.

Vibration is occasionally "desirable". For example the motion of a tuning fork, the reed in a woodwind instrument or harmonica, or the cone of a loudspeaker is desirable vibration, necessary for the correct functioning of the various devices.

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More often, vibration is undesirable, wasting energy and creating unwanted sound – noise. For example, the vibrational motions of engines, electric motors, or any mechanical device in operation are typically unwanted. Such vibrations can be caused by imbalances in the rotating parts, uneven friction, the meshing of gear teeth, etc. Careful designs usually minimize unwanted vibrations.

The study of sound and vibration are closely related. Sound, or "pressure waves", are generated by vibrating structures (e.g. vocal cords); these pressure waves can also induce the vibration of structures (e.g. ear drum). Hence, when trying to reduce noise it is often a problem in trying to reduce vibration.

Types of Vibration:
Free vibration occurs when a mechanical system is set off with an initial input and then allowed to vibrate freely. Examples of this type of vibration are pulling a child back on a swing and then letting go or hitting a tuning fork and letting it ring. The mechanical system will then vibrate at one or more of its "natural frequency" and damp down to zero.Understanding Torque Formula is always challenging for me but thanks to all science help websites to help me out.

Forced vibration is when an alternating force or motion is applied to a mechanical system. Examples of this type of vibration include a shaking washing machine due to an imbalance, transportation vibration (caused by truck engine, springs, road, etc.), or the vibration of a building during an earthquake. In forced vibration the frequency of the vibration is the frequency of the force or motion applied, with order of magnitude being dependent on the actual mechanical system.

Double Blind Study Definition

Introduction on double blind study definition:

Double blind tests:

An experiment where neither the participants nor the people conducting the experiment know the critical aspects of the experiment is called a double blind test. This method is useful in eliminating results that are due to the bias of the observer or the researcher.

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Double blind study definition : Example

Let's say a soft drink manufacturer decides to modify the taste and flavor of their soft drink, and they have two different formulas. They will first test the reactions of a group of volunteers to the new soft drink. They can do this in different ways.

The volunteers are given a cup of soft drink, labeled 'A' or 'B'. 'A' contains the first soft drink, while 'B' contains the second one. In this case, the volunteers and the researchers are aware of which soft drink they are tasting. In this type of test, volunteers may be influenced by the reactions of the people around them, and by the people who serve the soft drinks.

The volunteers are given a cup of either one of the soft drinks, but without labels. However, the person who serves the drinks knows which one has 'A' and which one has 'B'. In this case, the volunteers may be guided by some non-verbal cues by the person who is serving them. This is known as a single-blind test.

The volunteers are given sealed cups which may have either drink. The drinks are sealed previously and are identified only by code numbers. In this case, the results are much more objective as the volunteers  reach a decision based only on their own judgment. This is a double blind test.

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Double blind study definition : Uses

In medicine, new drugs are tested using double blind tests in which one group of people are given pills containing the new drug, and another set get pills with the same taste and color but with no active substance.

In forensics, witnesses are asked to point out suspects from a set of photographs. If the person who is showing the witness the photographs is part of the investigation, the witness may be guided by that person. This can be avoided by using a double-blind setup, where the witness is shown the photographs by a person trained in forensics, but it not part of that particular investigation.

How to Make Vectors

Introduction to make vectors:

Vectors are the physical quantities which can be completely determined by their magnitude and as well as direction and obeys the law of vector addition. For example, force, velocity, weight, momentum etc. A number can specify a vector quantity with its unit along with the direction. The need of vectors is to completely explain the motion in two or three dimension. Let us learn the method to make vectors.

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Method to make vectors:

A vector quantity is represented by a straight line with a arrowhead over it. The length of the line gives the magnitude of the vector and the arrowhead over it gives the direction of that vector. Suppose a body has a velocity of 50 m/s in north direction. So, draw the vector first choose the scale of length. Let 1 cm is chosen to represent the 10 m/s. Now draw a line OX of length 5 cm in north direction. Put a arrowhead along OX. It will completely represent the velocity of the body. The point X is called the terminal point of the vector and O is called the initiating point of that vector. Point A is also called as head of the vector and point O is called as tail of the vector `vecOX`.  In a simpler from a vector is represented by single letter or alphabet either in bold face or with an arrow over it. For example, a force vector can be represented as  `vecF` or F. There are several types of vectors, such as like vectors, unlike vectors, co initial vectors, unit vector etc. To solve a problem by the method of vectors we have to resolve the components along the horizontal and the vertical. It is the easiest method to solve any problem.

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Example to make vectors

Draw a vector of 6 N in east direction.


To draw the vector first we choose the scale. Let 1 cm represents 2 N of force. So we draw a line OA of length 3 cm in east direction and draw arrow along OA.

O                  A

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Mechanics of Deformable Solids

Introduction to Mechanics of Deformable Solids:

The deformation is a kind of force applied to the solids in such a way that the solid get deformed under the action of this force. The solids have several properties like the elasticity etc. which depends on the solids nature and the deformation of the solid is depends on the strength of the elasticity of the solid by which the solid is deformed. The deforming force is the force when applied to a body then the shape of the object or body changes according to the amount of force applied.

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Mechanics of Deformable Solids

A deformable body is nothing but the physical body which deforms i.e. it changes its shape or its volume while an external force is being acted upon it by an external source. In the action of this force the relative position of the points present on the deformable body may changes according to the strength of the force. The bodies which are deformable are the opposite to that of a rigid body and they are defined by their elements which are presents inside the body.

In the structural geology and in metallurgy and in materials science the deformation mechanisms is generally refers to the various mechanisms which are there at the grain scales and these are responsible for the accommodation of the large plastic strains inside the rocks and metals and other materials. In mechanics the deformation is also known as the strain and it is the continuous change in the metric properties of any body when there is a difference is occurred between the initial and the final placement of the body. Thus we can say that the strain is the normalized measure of the deformation and it represents the displacement which the particles take with respect to the reference length.

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Expression for the deformable solids

Generally the deformation of the body is expressed as

X = F (X)

Where X is nothing but the reference position of the material points present inside the body.

Plane and Spherical Mirrors

Introduction to plane and spherical mirrors:

Plane mirror are commonly used for looking glasses. A plane mirror is generally made of glass plate of few millimeters thickness .One surface of glass is polished to a high degree of smoothness forming the front surface of the mirror .The back surface is silvered that is then painted with silver or mercury or some opaque material. The front surface the silvering is protected because coating of opaque paint .When the light falls on this plate it falls on silver passing the opaque paint and gets reflected and we neglect the thickness of  plate and represent the mirror as single surface.

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Formation in Plane Mirror

Consider a point object O placed just in front of a plane mirror. Light rays falling from O fall on the plane mirror and gets reflected .The reflected rays reflect backwards to meet at a point I and the reflected rays fall on our eyes they pretend to come from I .Hence we see the image of O at I and image is formed in the plane mirror.

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Spherical Mirror

All mirrors we use in day to day life are not plane and there comes the picture of  spherical mirror. For example the rear view mirrors we often see in the vehicles have a curved surface such mirrors are spherical mirrors. A cut off portion from a  glass sphere or a portion has two dissimilar surfaces form the spherical mirror.The same side of surface as the centre of the original sphere is called the concave surface. The expanding surface  in the spherical mirror which expands out is called the convex surface. The spherical mirror has one polished  and  other smooth surface when we silver on other surface we get  two types of spherical mirrors. If  concave surface is silvered  and convex surface is made smooth we get a convex mirror. If  concave surface is smoothed and convex surface is silvered we get a concave mirror.When the light falls on the smooth surface of the spherical mirror it enters the glass and it gets reflected at the opaque silver surface The thickness of the glass is not of that concern and that represents the  single curved surface spherical mirror.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Basic Laws of Physics

Introduction to Basic Physics Laws:

There are several laws in physics but the Newton’s three laws of  motion are the basic laws of physics because these laws describes the motion of any object which is the major and the most important aspect in physics which is associated with any body. These laws are as follows:

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Newton's Laws of Motion

Newton's First Law of Motion:

It states that if a body is in a state of uniform motion then the body tends to remain in this state of motion and if a body is in the status of rest then it remains in it unless an external force is applied in both the condition to the body. This law is easily shown in the fig.1. The first law is also recognize as an essentially property of the body named as the inertia thus this law is some times synonyms as the law of inertia.

Newton's Second Law of Motion:

This law is the most powerful law out of the three Newton's laws of motion due to its applications in the quantitative calculations of dynamics. This law says that the rate of change of the linear momentum of a body is equal to the force exerted on it. This law also gives us a relationship between the mass of an object and the acceleration of the object such as:

F = dp / dt

F = d (mv) / dt

F = m dv / dt  (because mass of a body is constant)

F = ma          (because dv / dt = a, acceleration)

Here both the acceleration and the force are the vector quantities and the direction of the force is same as that of the acceleration. Fig.2 shows the simple structure of the second law of motion.

Newton's Third Law of Motion:

This is the most simpler and important law which says that for every action of the body applied on the other body there is an equal and opposite reaction of the other body on it. This law explains the many general life aspects like what is responsible for the step off of a boat onto the bank of a lake.

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Conclusion for Basic Physics Laws

As per the discussion we made on basic laws of physics, we came to know the basic few principles of physics which governs into our daily life and its varied uses.

Different Shapes of Galaxies

Introduction to different shapes of galaxies:

Galaxies or milky-ways are enormous groups of suns or stars.Different individual stars with their planets form a solar system, much such planetary system together form a galaxy which can comprise 10 billion to 1 trillion stars.

The star system or the galaxies often collide and this determines their shape. Galaxies that are left undisturbed for billions of years tend to form disks, or spiral galaxies.

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Types and shapes of galaxies

They can be of different shapes: flattened, round, or elongated spheres.

Spiral galaxies: A spiral galaxy is a large flat disc with a bulging nucleus. The stars are situated on the spiral arms and in between them, winding out from the nucleus to the edge within the disc. There are regions of dust, gas, and young, bright stars which give the galaxy its characteristic shape.

Elliptical galaxies: The stars are regularly arranged, gradually decreasing in number from inside to the outside.
Elliptical galaxies have complete star formation; hence they do not have any dust or gas in between the stars.
Due to their distance from the earth, they appear as just bright spots even with the strongest telescopes.

Lenticular galaxies:  The lenticular galaxies are disk galaxies without any obvious spiral structure. They consist of old stars only with very little interstellar matter.

Irregular galaxies: A galaxy which is deformed by the influence of gravity from another galaxy or from within itself, appears irregular. It is usually a mass of dust, gas and young stars.

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Conclusion for different shapes of galaxies

From the discussion on different shapes of galaxies, we can conclude that besides the spiral and elliptical shape, some irregular galaxies are too small to form proper structures. Their stars and gas clouds are randomly scattered. They are young and are in the process of forming stars and constellations. Colliding galaxies merge into an elliptical galaxy that is more spherical. Galaxies which are in the process of merging appear to be in irregular shape. All galaxies have a bright central part, the nucleus, which is a huge mass made of millions of stars.

Fundamental Thermodynamic Relation

Introduction to fundamental thermodynamic relation:

The first law of thermodynamics and the second law of thermodynamics give the fundamental thermodynamic relations. The first law of thermodynamics is the definition of work. The French scientist Sadi Carnot gave the first law of thermodynamics in 1824. In the 19th century, some of the scientists worked on the concept of the thermodynamic system and relate it with the laws of energy. So, that the energy conservation law is the first law of thermodynamics.

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First law of thermodynamics as the fundamental thermodynamic relation:

The first law of thermodynamics is based on the principle of conservation of energy, which states that the energy cannot be created or cannot be destroyed but it can be transformed from one form to another. The first law of thermodynamics state that the change in the internal energy of a thermodynamic system is equal to the amount of energy added by heating the system excluding the amount lost due to the work done by the system on its surroundings. The first law of thermodynamics also state that the energy is conserved in any process in the thermodynamic system and its surroundings. Let us take dU is the change in internal energy, dQ be the heat added to the thermodynamic system and dW be the work done, then the first law of thermodynamics written as

dQ = dU + dW

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Second law of thermodynamics as the fundamental thermodynamic relation:

The second law of thermodynamics is based on the entropy.  There are many statements of the second law of the thermodynamics. The first statement is written as that in a thermodynamic system this is a process, which will tend to increase the total entropy of the universe. The second statement states that the heat cannot flow from lower temperature body to the higher temperature body. The third statement states that it is impossible to convert all the heat into the useful work. In the general the second law of thermodynamic state as the in any thermodynamic system the temperature difference between the systems is equal to the work obtained or done by the system.

Low Earth Orbit

Introduction to low earth orbit:

LEO stands for Low Earth Orbit.This orbit is very near the earth compared to other orbits hence reduces transmission time of signals. A Low Earth Orbit can also be used for polar satellites which cover polar regions  which the GEOs are unable  accomplish. Since  satellites in Low Earth Orbit are not constantly visible to earth stations,we need automatic systems to track the satellite and align the antenna.Low Earth Orbit satellites are used for a variety of task and application like civil, scientific and military field which includes Earth observation, radar, optical, telecoms and demonstrator.

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Classification of Satellite Orbits

We can classify the satellite orbits as mentioned below:

1.Based on shape of the orbit

Circular with center at thr center of the earth.
Elliptical with one focus at the center of earth.
2.Orbits in different plane around the earth

Equatorial orbit which is above earth’s equator
Polar orbit which passes over both poles
Inclined orbits and other orbits
3.Height of satellites

Geo stationary orbit (GEO) - 36000 km above from the surface of the earth.
Medium earth orbit (MEO) -   6000 - 20000 km above from the surface of the earth.
Low earth orbit (LEO) - 500-1500 km above from the surface of the earth.

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Characteristics and Categories

Characteristics of Low Earth Orbit Satellites

Orbits are circular or slightly elliptical.
Range is 0 to 2000 km from the center of the earth.
Period of revolution or orbit period ranges from 90 minutes to 120minutes.
Diameter of coverage area is about 8000 km.
Signal propagation delay is less than 20ms in one round trip.
Maximum satellite visibility time for earth station is up to 20 min.
Sensitivity of the system must high to handle large Doppler shifts.
Orbital deterioration is caused by atmospheric drag.
Categories of Low Earth Orbit Satellites

Big Low Earth Orbit Satellites

Frequency of operation above 1 GHz.
Data transfer speed is up to few Mbps.
Offers services on global positioning and other voice services.
Little Low Earth Orbit Satellites

Frequency of operation is below 1 GHz.
Bandwidth achieved is 5MHz.
Data transfer speed is up to 10 kbps.
Specially used for paging, tracking, and low-rate messaging.

Force and Potential Energy

Introduction to force and potential energy:

The force is a physical quantity which is difficult to describe because it is not possible to see it. However, it is possible to observe its effects in our daily life. In general a force can be described as a push, a pull, stretch and squeeze.

The force can also be described as that which changes the state of a body. For example, if a body is at rest, then a force applied to it can set it in motion. If the body is in motion then the force can its speed or its direction of motion or even bring the body to rest.I like to share this Potential Energy Equation with you all through my article.

Examples of Force

When force is applied to stretch a spring or to compress it, then there is a change in its length. The shape of sponge can be changed by applying a force. When air is filled in a balloon, then the force exerted by the air changed its shape. Plaster of Paris or plasticize can be molded into suitable shaped by applying suitable forces. A gas in a cylinder can be compressed so that it is forced to occupy smaller volume.

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About Potential energy

Potential energy is possessed by a body due to its position with respect to another body. The potential energy of a body with respect to the earth is measured by amount of work in lifting it through a certain vertical height.

A body o mass m is to be raised through a height h. The force with which the body, is attracted by the earth is its weight mg. To lift the body an equal and opposite force has to be applied.

PE = Work done to lift the body

= Force x displacement

PE =mg h

The total amount of energy in the universe always remains a constant, that is, neither any more energy can be destroyed, but energy can be changed from one form into another form.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Electromagnetic Waves

Waves are the disturbance or oscillations produced in a medium or in space that transfers energy from one place to another. There are different types of waves depending upon the way they propagate and also depending upon the medium requirement for their propagation. Those waves which need medium to traverse are known as mechanical waves while those that do not need any medium are called electromagnetic waves. Also when the direction of propagation of the wave is perpendicular to the direction of disturbance or oscillation, then the waves are called traversal waves while if it is parallel then they are called longitudinal waves.I like to share this Electromagnetic Spectrum Waves with you all through my article.

Definition of Electromagnetic Waves : We Define Electromagnetic Waves as: the waves that are the periodic oscillation of the electric and magnetic field such that the direction of energy transfer is perpendicular to the disturbance.
The electric and magnetic field of the wave are such that they are perpendicular to each other and also they both are perpendicular to the direction of propagation of wave. For example if electric field is in x direction then magnetic field will be either in y direction or z direction so that direction of propagation will be then in z or y direction respectively. This is because EM waves are traverse in nature.

An important feature of EM waves is that they do not need any medium to travel in contrast to mechanical waves. These waves can travel through vacuum. Also they can travel through medium but in that case their speed slows down with the properties of the medium.

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This occurs due to the absorption of energy of EM wave by the atoms of the medium. The speed in a medium depends on the permittivity and permeability of the medium. Speed of Electromagnetic Waves is equal to the speed of light ‘c’ in vacuum which is approximately 3*108 m/s.  in some medium the speed changes as:
v = .
There are different Types of Electromagnetic Waves that exists. Visible light is the only Traveling Electromagnetic Wave that is visible to human eyes. All types of EM waves have different wavelengths and frequency range in which they exist. Representation of all types of EM waves depending on their wavelength and frequency is known as electromagnetic spectrum. Wavelength of electromagnetic spectrum ranges from 10-16 to 108 nm.  The different types of EM waves in EM spectrum are.
Radio waves, micro waves, infrared (IR) waves, visible light, UV or ultraviolet rays, X-rays and gamma rays.

Wavelength Formula

Before starting let us have a quick recap of what is wavelength. The distance between any two consecutive crests for a wave is called its wav.len. This is true for troughs also. But the distance between one crest and one trough cannot be considered as it does not make any sense.
Wave length is one of the primary and the most important feature of the wave. Many other features such as speed of the wave are dependent on it and are sometimes derived from it.
Represented by lambda or an inverted v like shape, wave length has a relation or dependency on frequency which we going to discuss here. Let us state Wavelength Frequency Formula first.

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Lambda = c / f - - - - - - - -(1)
Here f is the frequency.
Lambda is the wav.len.
C is the speed and has the value which is constant and equal to 3 * 108 m / sec.
Similarly we have the Frequency to Wavelength Formula which is more or less similar to what we have stated above. Just the format is rearranged.
F = c / lambda
Here F is the frequency of the wave. Units can be Hertz as standard unit.
Here lambda is the length of the wave.
We also have the relation between energy of the wave and its wav.len.
E = h f
E = h c / lambda
Here h is a constant and hence has a fixed value.

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E is the energy associated with the wave.
Let us now discuss UV Light Wavelength. For the ultraviolet light the wave.len. is shorter than that of visible light. But is longer than that of X ray. The normal and most accepted range for it is from 10 nanometer to 400 nano-meter. Due to this length and frequency it is invisible to naked human eye but has significant effect on human body. The wave Length Of the light ray is used to specify a particular spectrum for it. This is a good way to classify it.
Wavelength to Frequency Formula is of utter importance for solving most of the mathematical problems.
As discussed we have different wave length for different regions of light rays and for different types we have different spectrum regions assigned for the same. Longest Wavelength Color is red. This is for visible region. As the wave Length increases the frequency will decrease which is evident from the formula.

Solve Online Velocity

Introduction to solve velocity online :

Define Velocity :

Velocity of a body is distance travelled by it per unit time in given direction .It is given as

Velocity = `(Distance )/(Time taken)`

v = `(s)/(t)`, where v is velocity , s is distance travelled in given time in given direction, t is time taken

Velocity = `(displacement)/(time taken)` = `(s)/(t)`  = v

where v is velocity , s is displacement , t is time taken.

The SI unit of velocity is the same as speed , namely, metres per second ( ms-1 or `(m)/(s)` )

Average Velocity :

Average velocity is the total displacement over total time taken.

Average velocity = `(t otal *displacement)/(t otal * time * taken)`

Note :

Speed and velocity are not always equal in magnitude.

The magnitude of speed and velocity of a moving body is equal only if the body moves in a single straight line.
But if a body does not move in  a single straight line , then speed and velocity of the body are not equal.
Average speed of a moving body can never be zero but the average velocity of a moving body can be zero.

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Solve problems based on velocity online

Lets solve problems on velocity online :

1) A car travels a distance of 200 km from Delhi to Ambala towards North in 5 hours. Calculate (i) speed and (ii)velocity of car  for the journey.

Solution : (i) Speed = `(distance )/(time taken)`  = `(200 km)/(5 h)`  = 40 `(km)/(h)`

(ii) Velocity = `(displacement )/(time taken)`  = `(200 km)/(5 h)`  = 40 `(km)/(h)`  towards North

2) A car travels 10 km in 4 hours in the North direction , find the velocity.

Solution :Velocity = `(displacement )/(time taken)`  = `(100 km)/(4 h)`  = 25 `(km)/(h)`  towards North

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Solve problem based on average velocity online : (continued)

Lets solve online some problems based on average velocity

1) A boy runs 100 metres in 50 seconds in going from his home to the shop in the East direction, and then runs a distance of 100 metres again in 50 seconds in the reverse direction from shop to reach home.Calculate (i) average speed (ii) average velocity.

Solution : (i) Average speed = `(t otal * d istance* travel ed)/(t otal *time* taken)` =  `(100 +100)/(50 +50)` = `(200)/(100)` = 2 `(m)/(s)`

(ii) Average velocity =  `(t otal * displacement)/(t otal *time *taken)`

The boys runs East 100 m and then 100m in opposite direction( towards West ) .

Total displacement = 100m - 100m = 0m

Total time taken = 50 sec + 50 sec = 100 sec

Average velocity = `(0)/(100)` = 0 `(m)/(s)`

Thursday, May 2, 2013

10 Ways to Conserve Energy

Introduction to 10 ways to conserve energy:
The sources of energy are of two types- Renewable and Non-Renewable sources of energy. Non-Renewable sources of energy are available in the limited amount. Their judicious use is imperative because It is widely believed, that millions of years ago, due to certain natural calamities, large number of animals and plants got buried beneath the earth. Under humid conditions and very high pressure and temperature of the earth and the bacterial decomposition in the absence of air, they gradually decomposed to form coal, petroleum or natural gas, depending upon the external factors to which they were subjected. It is assumed that the energy supplied by fossil fuels is basically the energy which was supplied by the sun, millions of years ago. These sources of energy are non-renewable because they cannot be renewed over a short period of time. Hence, they are very precious.Some of the steps which can be taken to conserve energy resources are as follows:

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10 ways to conserve energy

Switch off the lights, fans television and other electrical appliances when not needed. This will save a lot of electricity.
Use energy efficient electrical appliances to save electricity. This can be done by using Compact Fluorescent Lamps and Fluorescent tube lights instead of traditional filament-type electric bulbs because CFL and tube-lights consume much less electric energy as compared to filament-type electric bulbs for producing the same amount of light.
Use stairs to climb at least up to three floors of a building instead of taking a lift. This will save electricity.
Pressure cookers should be used for cooking food to save fuels like kerosene and LPG.
Good quality stoves should be used to burn fuels like kerosene and cooking gas so as to obtain maximum heat. Solar cookers should be used to cook food wherever possible.

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10 ways to conserve energy(Continued)

The use of bio gas as domestic fuel should be encouraged in rural areas.
Bicycles should be used for covering short distances to save precious fuel like petrol. Public transport system in cities should be improved so that people do not commute in their personal vehicle. This will save a lot of petrol and diesel.
Fuel efficient engines of motor vehicles should be designed to reduce the consumption of petrol and diesel.
Always try to use the renewable sources of energy first, use non-renewable sources of energy, only when it is unavoidable.
Science must constantly look for advancing technology to use alternative source of energy and make optimum utilisation of the energy sources available to us.

Artificial Satellites in Space

Introduction to artificial satellites in space:

Satellites are the objects in space that orbit around planets. The artificial satellites are the objects that are made by humans and launched into the space. They orbit around the corresponding planet.

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Artificial satellites in space:

Artificial satellites are man-made objects that orbit around a planet in space. Most satellites are built to orbit around the Earth. These satellites are different from the natural satellites like moon. Natural satellites are formed naturally during explosion or other phenomenon in space.

The artificial satellites are designed with a purpose. Some satellites like the Space shuttle and the international space station have men in them.

These artificial satellites are used for several purposes- for earth studies, space studies, for communication, military support, and weather observation, for space observations, for imaging the earth and to record the special changes as well as changes on the earth surface. While some satellites are designed for a specific purpose, most others perform a host of activities.

Live television shows have become a possibility due to communication satellites. These satellites perform relay transmission of television signals, radio signals and messages.

The satellites are launched through rockets. The aerospace companies build the satellites. Based on the purpose of artificial satellites, they are launched into different orbits. The ones closer to the earth are low orbiting satellites. A satellite orbits altitude is the guiding factor in determining how long a satellite will stay in space and orbit around a planet.

The first satellite ever launched into the space is explorer 1 that was launched by USA on Jan 31st of 1958. This satellite was responsible for the historic discovery of the presence of high energy electrons and protons in the planets Jupiter and Saturn. Since 1958 about 5000 satellites have been launched by several government and scientific research agencies and even by some private companies like Google.

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Conclusion for artificial satellites in space:

Artificial satellites are definitely a state of the art invention of mankind. They are man-made objects launched into the space through rockets. There are several application areas of artificial satellites in communication, scientific research, weather observation, earth imagery and many more.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Types of Physical Science

Anyone considering a career in a physical science field needs to also study advanced mathematics, chemistry, physics and computer science as well as a specialty in physical science. An aspiring scientist should be detail oriented and be prepared for years of research in the field as well as the science laboratory and if she wants to advance beyond entry-level positions, she needs to be able to commit to four to seven years of graduate study in physical science.

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Molecular Biologist

1. A molecular biologist researches how the cells of an organism are organized, how the cells function by themselves and in relation to other cells and what effect each cell has on how the entire organism functions, on sometimes more importantly how it does not function, on a day-to-day basis. A molecular biologist works in college and university research labs, teaches as a professor or assistant professor or works as a researcher in private laboratories. You can get a job in the field with a Bachelor of Science Degree. It can take as long as seven years to complete graduate school and get a Doctorate, but you will need one if you want to do research at the college or university level.


2. A paleontologist studies all types of fossils--wood, bones and anything else that is from a past time. A paleontologist's mission is to reconstruct the history of life on Earth. Some paleontologists focus on evolution while others may work on the climate changes of years ago, how they affect us today and what they can tell about the ecology of the future. A paleontologist can work for museums, government, private research laboratories and colleges and universities as a researcher and professor. You will need at least a Master's degree for most jobs. For academic jobs, you would need a Doctorate. There are very few degrees in paleontology itself. In most cases you would take a degree in geology that offers casework in paleontology.


3. A zoologist is a biologist who is an expert in the study of animals. A zoologist studies animal behavior as well as how the animal has evolved from its prehistoric ancestors and how the animal relates to its environment. He also may be involved in research relating to diseases and genetics. A zoologist can work for the government specializing in fields like wildlife management, conservation and agriculture. He can also work in zoos and museums. Those who have a Bachelor's degree with zoology or biology as a major can get entry-level jobs, but in order to advance you need a Masters and to do research at the college or university level, you need a doctorate.

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4. An ecologist does research on every part of an ecosystem, including how different species interact with one another and how they impact the environment. An ecologist will have a specialty in one field in particular, such as botany, marine biology, microbiology, soil science, toxicology or zoology. An ecologist can find work in many different places, including the government, colleges and universities, private research companies and companies that manufacture products that can affect the environment. An ecologist needs at least one Bachelor's degree. For research, you need at least a Master's and for college level research, a Doctorate.

Theory of Hydrogen Atom

With the discovery of the particle of atom by Gold stein, Thomson and Chadwick the need of atomic model had a great importance. J.J. Thomson suggested the "plum pudding" model. The atom consisted of subatomic particles called protons and electrons. In this model the electrons and protons are uniformly mixed throughout the atom. However, it was not clear how these protons and electrons were arranged within the atom. I like to share this Angular Velocity Formula with you all through my article.

Rutherford reasoned that if Thom son's model was correct then the mass of the atom was spread out throughout the atom. Then, if he shot high velocity alpha particles (helium nuclei) at an atom then there would be very little to deflect the alpha particles. He decided to test this with a thin film of gold atoms. As expected, most alpha particles went right through the gold foil but to his amazement a few alpha particles rebounded almost directly backwards. Rutherford was forced to discard the Plum Pudding model and reasoned that the only way the alpha particles could be deflected backwards was if most of the mass in an atom was concentrated in a nucleus. He thus developed the planetary model of the atom which put all the protons in the nucleus and the electrons orbited around the nucleus like planets around the sun. Electrons move round the nucleus in an elliptical orbit. So his model is named as planetary model of atom. He was unable explain about the states of an atoms and could not explain why electron would not lose or gain energy as long as it moves in a specific orbit his proposal was a failure. After the failure of Rutherford elliptical atomic model of hydrogen, Neil Bohr introduced his circular model of Hydrogen atom.

Bohr hydrogen atom

1) Electron moves around the nucleus in a circular orbit. The centrifugal force of the electron moving in the circular orbit is balanced by the coulombs force of attraction between the electron and the nucleus.

mV^2 /R = ke^2 /R^2

2)   For the electron moving in an orbit, the orbital angular momentum is equal to integral multiple of h /2 p

mV R = n h / 2 p

3) As long as the electron moves in a particular orbit it neither loses nor gains energy. This state is called stationary state. The total energy of a revolving electron in one of the stationary state remains constant.

4) When an electron jumps from one orbit to the other, either energy is released or absorbed. When an electron jumps from higher stationary state to a lower stationary state, energy is liberated. The difference in the energy states is proportional to the frequency of the emission of radiation.

E2 – E1 = h v

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Short coming of Bohr Hydrogen atomic model

1) The theory could not explain the spectra of atoms complex than hydrogen.

2) The theory could explain the distribution and arrangement of electrons in an orbit in the atom.

3) The theory could not explain the fine structure of atoms.

4) The theory could not explain splitting of spectral lines due to electrical (stark effect) and magnetic field (Zeeeman effect).