Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Different Shapes of Galaxies

Introduction to different shapes of galaxies:

Galaxies or milky-ways are enormous groups of suns or stars.Different individual stars with their planets form a solar system, much such planetary system together form a galaxy which can comprise 10 billion to 1 trillion stars.

The star system or the galaxies often collide and this determines their shape. Galaxies that are left undisturbed for billions of years tend to form disks, or spiral galaxies.

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Types and shapes of galaxies

They can be of different shapes: flattened, round, or elongated spheres.

Spiral galaxies: A spiral galaxy is a large flat disc with a bulging nucleus. The stars are situated on the spiral arms and in between them, winding out from the nucleus to the edge within the disc. There are regions of dust, gas, and young, bright stars which give the galaxy its characteristic shape.

Elliptical galaxies: The stars are regularly arranged, gradually decreasing in number from inside to the outside.
Elliptical galaxies have complete star formation; hence they do not have any dust or gas in between the stars.
Due to their distance from the earth, they appear as just bright spots even with the strongest telescopes.

Lenticular galaxies:  The lenticular galaxies are disk galaxies without any obvious spiral structure. They consist of old stars only with very little interstellar matter.

Irregular galaxies: A galaxy which is deformed by the influence of gravity from another galaxy or from within itself, appears irregular. It is usually a mass of dust, gas and young stars.

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Conclusion for different shapes of galaxies

From the discussion on different shapes of galaxies, we can conclude that besides the spiral and elliptical shape, some irregular galaxies are too small to form proper structures. Their stars and gas clouds are randomly scattered. They are young and are in the process of forming stars and constellations. Colliding galaxies merge into an elliptical galaxy that is more spherical. Galaxies which are in the process of merging appear to be in irregular shape. All galaxies have a bright central part, the nucleus, which is a huge mass made of millions of stars.

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